Recipes / Healthcare / Parmesan Crusted Chicken Breast



Parmesan Crusted Chicken Breast

Using: Reuven Fully Cooked Low Sodium Chicken Breast 90 G (Product Code 10827)








Prep & Cook Time:



65 minutes








50 pcs (4.5 kg) Reuven Fully Cooked Low Sodium Chicken Breast 90 g (Product Code 10827), thawed
6 cups (1.5 L) mayonnaise
2 cups (220 g) parmesan cheese, grated
4 cups (320 g) panko breadcrumbs
2 tbsp (30 ml) thyme, dried
¼ cup (60 ml) parsley, finely chopped
25 cups (6.25 L) rice, cooked
25 cups (6.25 L) seasonal cooked vegetables



Preparation Instructions


In a stainless-steel bowl, mix parmesan, panko, thyme, and parsley.

Brush thawed Reuven Fully Cooked Low Sodium Chicken Breast 90 g with mayonnaise and press the chicken breasts firmly into the breadcrumb mixture.

Set on baking sheet. Place in oven for 15-20 minutes or until coating is golden brown.


Serve with Rice and Seasonal Vegetables.







Nutrition Info.


1 serving

Calories: ............................ 480
Protein: ............................ 21 g
Fat: .................................... 19 g 
Carbohydrate: ................ 38 g
Fibre: .................................. 2 g
Sugar: ................................. 3 g
Cholesterol: ................. 45 mg
Sodium: ...................... 310 mg